"This is a remarkable show, Schaefer as Sarah in Children of a Lesser God is one of the most powerful and moving theatre pieces I have ever seen in a long time."
"Schaefer's was poignantly nuanced performance that grows increasingly confident as the show progresses." - Tribes
"It isn’t until Treem introduces the play’s fourth woman, a kind of drifter/handywoman and lesbian separatist named Hannah, that the show truly comes to life. In part, this is thanks to the remarkable job by Michelle Mary Schaefer, a Deaf actress whose embodiment of Hannah’s strength and simmering rage truly comes to define the character."
"Schaefer, as Billy is the best theatrical performance I ever seen."
"Schaefer, as The Girl in the Mirror, is a beautiful performer. Her face, her movements, her choices- so moving."
"Schaefer does the justice as Billy even though she is a female."
"Like an opera, Schaefer is the prima donna of this production with a winsome quality and expressive face featuring an outstanding smile. She makes you care about what is happening, aided in no small way by her co-performer, Shoemaker, who is Chloe’s voice. The two performers seem to meld into one cohesive whole."
"Puck was played with mischievous glee by Michelle Mary Schaefer. Her antics were fun and she fully embodied that trickster elf."
"Michelle Mary Schaefer was magnificent as Sarah Norman, which made me cried."